Monday, May 19, 2014

Sleep deprived children are more likely to be OBESE - Daily Mail

  • Research is among the most comprehensive studies of sleep and obesity
  • Found sleep deprivation in early childhood is a strong risk factor in obesity
  • Study examined children aged six months to seven years old
  • At seven the youngsters were examined, their height and weight taken as well as total body fat, abdominal fat, and waist and hip circumferences

By Lizzie Parry

Children who do not get enough sleep are more likely to become obese, a new study today warns.

The research - one of the most comprehensive studies into sleep and childhood obesity - discovered 'compelling evidence' that youngsters who are deprived of the recommended hours of sleep in infancy and early childhood were more likely to be obese at the age of seven.

But the study, published in the journal Pediatrics, found no evidence of a specific period during which insufficient sleep has greater influence on later obesity.

A new study has revealed children who do not get enough sleep are more likely to grow up to be obese

A new study has revealed children who do not get enough sleep are more likely to grow up to be obese

Study lead author Dr Elsie Taveras, chief of General Pediatrics at Mass General Hospital for Children in the U.S., said: 'Our study found convincing evidence that getting less than recommended amounts of sleep across early childhood is an independent and strong risk factor for obesity.

'Contrary to some published studies, we did not find a particular "critical period" for the influence of sleep duration on weight gain.

'Instead, insufficient sleep at any time in early childhood had adverse effects.'

While several previous studies have found evidence of an association between sleep and obesity in young children, few have examined the effects of constant sleep deprivation across time or used measures other than body mass index (BMI), which determines obesity based solely on height and weight.

The new study analysed data from Project Viva, a long-term investigation into the health impacts of several factors during pregnancy and after birth.

Information used in the study was gathered from mothers at face-to-face interviews when their children were around six months, three years and seven-years-old, and from questionnaires completed when the children were ages one, two, four, five and six.

Among other questions, the mothers were asked how much time their children slept, both at night and during daytime naps, during an average day.

Children with the lowest sleep scores had the highest levels of all body measurements reflecting obesity

Children with the lowest sleep scores had the highest levels of all body measurements reflecting obesity

Measurements taken at the seven-year visit included not only height and weight but also total body fat, abdominal fat, lean body mass, and waist and hip circumferences - measurements that the researchers say may more accurately reflect cardio-metabolic health risks than BMI alone.

Curtailed sleep was defined as less than 12 hours per day from ages six months to two years, less than 10 hours per day for ages three and four, and less than nine hours per day from age five to seven.

Based on the mothers' reports at each age, individual children were assigned a sleep score covering the entire study period.

Overall, children with the lowest sleep scores had the highest levels of all body measurements reflecting obesity and adiposity, including abdominal fat which is considered to be particularly hazardous.

The association was consistent at all ages, indicting there was no critical period for the interaction between sleep and weight.

Lower sleep scores were more common in homes with lower incomes, less maternal education and among racial and ethnic minorities; but the association between sleep and obesity was not changed by adjusting for those and other factors.

Dr Taveras said that while more research is needed to understand how sleep duration affects body composition, potential reasons could include the influence of sleep on hormones that control hunger.

'Our study found convincing evidence that getting less than recommended amounts of sleep across early childhood is an independent and strong risk factor for obesity'

- Dr Elsie Taveras, chief of General Pediatrics at MassGeneral Hospital for Children

She said disruptions of circadian rhythms or possible common genetic pathways involved in both sleep and metabolism could play part and that a lack of sleep can cause a poor ability to make good decisions on food choices and eating caused by sleep deprivation.

She said insufficient sleep may also lead to increased opportunities to eat, especially if time is spent in sedentary activities, such as TV viewing, when snacking and exposure to ads for unhealthy foods are common.

Dr Taveras added: 'While we need more trials to determine if improving sleep leads to reduced obesity, right now we can recommend that clinicians teach young patients and their parents ways to get a better night's sleep - including setting a consistent bedtime, limiting caffeinated beverages late in the day and cutting out high-tech distractions in the bedroom.

'All of these help promote good sleep habits, which also may boost alertness for school or work, improve mood and enhance the overall quality of life.'


One week

- daytime: 8 hours

- night time: 8.5hours

Four weeks

- daytime: 6.75 hours

- night time: 8.75 hours

Three months

- daytime: 5 hours

- night time: 10 hours

Six months

- daytime: 4 hours

- night time: 10 hours

Nine months

- daytime: 2.75 hours

- night time: 11.25 hours

One year

- daytime: 2.5 hours

- night time: 11.5 hours

Two years

- daytime: 1.25 hours

- night time: 11.75 hours

Three years

- daytime: 1 hour

- night time: 11 hours

Four years

- night time: 11.5 hours

Five years

- night time: 11 hours

Six years

- night time: 10.75 hours

Seven years

- night time: 10.5 hours

Eight years

- night time: 10.25 hours

Nine years

- night time: 10 hours

Ten years

- night time: 9.75 hours

11 years

- night time: 9.5 hours

12 years

- night time: 9.25 hours

13 years

- night time: 9.25 hours

14 years

- night time: 9 hours

15 years

- night time: 8.75 hours

16 years

- night time: 8.5 hours

! Source: NHS Choices



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