Friday, April 25, 2014

Mexico Zoo Welcomes Rare Baby Zonkey, Half Zebra, Half Donkey (VIDEO) - Opposing Views

A zonkey, a rare cross between a zebra and a donkey, has been welcomed at a zoo in northern Mexico.

Officials at Reynosa Zoo in the northeastern state of Tamaulipas have named the baby zonkey Khumba, NBC12 reports.

Khumba, who was born on April 21, is a rare and unusual case in the animal world because the chromosomes of zebras and donkeys are not compatible, according the zoo.

Khumba's mother is a female zebra called Rayas, while the father, Ignacio, is a dwarf, blue-eyed albino donkey.

Ignacio reportedly lives on a nearby farm.

The zoo says every afternoon, Rayas used to visit Ignacio. The male donkey would also go into the zoo to see her.

Even though it's a rare cross, Khumb is not the first zonkey.

According to Fox News Latino, another zonkey, named Ippo, was born in Florence, Italy, last year.

The mix breeds can also be found in Japan, China and the United States.

CBC News reports that Canada is also home to at least on zonkey, Zena, 18, that lives at the Oaklawn Farm Zoo in Aylesford, Nova Scotia.

(Video: Sky News/YouTube)

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