Monday, April 28, 2014

LIVE VIDEO: 'Ring of Fire' partial solar eclipse - Register

Bits of Australia and Asia will today experience an "annular" eclipse, a phenomenon whereby the moon covers just about all of the sun except for a "ring of fire" on the star's rim.

The best spot to view the eclipse is in Australia, where Vulture South's crew will be snapping away in our backyards.

We'll add those images to this story as the eclipse progresses. Until those snaps come online, feast your eyes on the video feeds below, as they depict the eclipse in real time.

Here's Slooh Space Telescope's feed of the event:

And here's The Virtual Telescope's output.

On the off-chance Australia's ABC News 24 has something of interest, let's pop its live feed in too.

Public service announcement

And a quick reminder for those of you in places where the eclipse is visible: DON'T LOOK AT IT OR YOU'LL BURN OUT YOUR EYES. Tune in to the feeds above, instead. 7reg;

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