Thursday, April 17, 2014

James Franco Calls New York Times Critic "Little B*tch"

Oh, James Franco. Does your ability to involve yourself in weird scandals know no bounds?

Fresh off his scandalous flirtation with teenager Lucy Clode, Franco finds himself at the center of another controversy - this one involving his personal attack of New York Times theater critic Ben Brantley. 

The Times published a review of Brantley's that featured some extremely negative comments about Franco's performance in the Broadway revival of the play Of Mice and Men, and the temperamental actor quickly took to Twitter to express his displeasure.

"SADLY BEN BRANTLEY AND NYT EMBARASSED THEMSELVES," Franco tweeted (yes, he's adopted the Kanye-style all-caps approach to online expression). "BRANTLEY IS SUCH A LITTLE BITCH HE SHOULD BE WORKING FOR GAWKER.COM INSTEAD OF THE PAPER OF RECORD. THE THEATER COMMUNITY HATES HIM, and for good reason HE's an idiot."

Harsh words. But in case you were wondering, Brantley didn't exactly hold back on Franco in his review:

"Though he sports a Yosemite Sam accent," Brantley wrote. "Mr. Franco is understated to the point of near invisibility."

Also harsh words! But the difference is - Ben Brantley is a critic who said negative things about Franco's performance

On the other hand, Franco is douchebag who attacked Brantley as a person.

See the difference? Remember last week when Franco said he planned to stay off social media altogether? Maybe he should've stuck with that idea.

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